Enter the Quality Food Awards 2023

The Quality Food Awards offer a large selection of categories to ensure your product is best positioned for judging. We have grouped these categories to make it easier for you to enter.

Please select from the options below to be taken to the relevant categories.

Don't forget, if you are a small producer you can benefit from a reduced entry fee. The Small Producer Award is open to all companies with fewer than 10 staff and an annual turnover of under £2 million. 

The deadline for entries to this year's QFAs is Friday 7 July 2023.

"New for this year, we are changing the way we classify the award results. The winning categories will now be named Gold, Silver or Bronze, instead of Winner, Highly Commended and Commended. This matches the result names we use in Ireland, and we are making this change in response to a survey of QFA entrants and judges. The feedback we received was that using Gold, Silver and Bronze makes more sense to the consumer. This makes it is easier to communicate success, leading to increased usage of the logo and ultimately a better return on your entry.

The product categories, judging criteria, voting process and the Product of the Year will remain unchanged: we will continue to assess products with the same degree of rigor and transparency that you have come to expect from the Quality Food Awards." Simon Wright, Quality Food Awards Chair of Judges

All Year Round

These categories for products that are sold throughout the calendar year, and not marketed specifically for the festive or Christmas period.


These categories for products that are marketed specifically for the festive or Christmas period.


These categories are for products created for hospitality, catering, and wholesale, available in the UK, and will be judged with a foodservice focused set of judges and judging criteria.


These categories recognise the individuals and teams behind product development, production and distribution in the UK retail, wholesale and foodservice sectors.

Best International Product

New for 2023, the Best International Product Award aims to find products created overseas, not yet sold in the UK, that show the same great quality we see in the Quality Food Awards each year. This award is sponsored by IFE.